Module C_abi.V3

Enumerations of the operating system and the ABI, typically from an introspection of OCaml's native C compiler.

type t_os =
| UnknownOS
| Android
| DragonFly
| FreeBSD
| Linux
| NetBSD
| OpenBSD
| Windows
type t_abi =
| Unknown_unknown
| Android_arm32v7a
| Android_arm64v8a
| Android_x86
| Android_x86_64
| Darwin_arm64
| Darwin_x86_64
| DragonFly_x86_64
| FreeBSD_x86_64
| Linux_arm32v6
| Linux_arm32v7
| Linux_arm64
| Linux_x86
| Linux_x86_64
| NetBSD_x86_64
| OpenBSD_x86_64
| Windows_arm32
| Windows_arm64
| Windows_x86
| Windows_x86_64
val get_os : unit -> ( t_os, string ) Stdlib.result
val get_abi : unit -> ( t_abi, string ) Stdlib.result
val get_abi_name : unit -> ( string, string ) Stdlib.result