Module Dkml_install_api.Forward_progress

Forward_progress provides common functions to handle graceful and informative exits from the nested chain of subprocesses typical in DKML Install API and many other applications.

include module type of Forward_progress


Forward_progress provides common functions to handle graceful and informative exits from the nested chain of subprocesses typical in DKML Install API and many other applications.

The module provides the return and bind monad which is similar to the error monad. This monad can be used to handle errors.

When forward progress cannot be made, a process should:

  • log an informative error to the console or the appropriate log file
  • return a variant of Halted_progress
module Exit_code : sig ... end

A module for exit codes.

type fatal_logger = id:string -> string -> unit

The type of error logger.

All errors include an error identifier which is conventionally the first 8 characters of a lowercase UUID (ex. "de618005").

type 'a t =
  1. | Continue_progress of 'a * fatal_logger
  2. | Halted_progress of Exit_code.t
  3. | Completed

The type of forward progress

val return : ('a * fatal_logger) -> 'a t

return (a,fl) wraps a fatal logger fl into the forward progress monad.

It is simply Continue_progress (a, fl).

val stderr : unit -> unit t

stderr () wraps the standard error into the forward progress monad.

It is simply [ Continue_progress ((), fun ~id s -> prerr_endline (id ^ ": " ^ s)) ] or something similar.

The standard error output may include a timestamp, be word-wrapped, be colorized, etc. for friendliness to the end-user.

val stderr_fatallog : fatal_logger

stderr_fatallog is a fatal logger that prints to the standard error.

stderr_fatallog is the same fatal logger used in stderr.

The standard error output may include a timestamp, be word-wrapped, be colorized, etc. for friendliness to the end-user.

val styled_fatal_id : string Fmt.t

Pretty-printer of an fatal_logger id. Has color and styles.

Example: [ # Prints something like the following in color: # FATAL [724a6562]. # without any newline. Fmt.epr "%a" styled_fatal_id "724a6562" ]

val styled_fatal_message : string Fmt.t

Pretty-printer of an fatal_logger error message. Has color and styles.

Example: [ # Prints something like the following in color: # I like blue # including a newline. Fmt.epr "%a" styled_fatal_message "I like blue" ]

val catch_exceptions : id:string -> fatal_logger -> (fatal_logger -> 'a t) -> 'a t

catch_exceptions ~id fl f takes the fatal logger fl and executes f fl, and any uncaught exceptions thrown during f fl will print a stack trace to fatal_logger ~id and return Halted_progress Exit_unrecoverable_failure.

In all other cases this function will return the value from f fl.

val bind : 'a t -> (('a * fatal_logger) -> 'b t) -> 'b t

bind fwd f is the bind monad function that, if fwd = Continue_progress (u, fatal_logger), will return f (u, fatal_logger).

The bind monad behaves similarly to the error monad.

It is the responsibility of the developer to log an informative error to the fatal_logger before returning Halted_progress exitcode.

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

map f fwd is the map monad function that, if fwd = Continue_progress (u, fatal_logger), will return Continue_progress (f u, fatal_logger)

val lift_result : (string * int * int * int) -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'e -> unit) -> fatal_logger -> ('a, 'e) Stdlib.result -> 'a t

lift_result pos efmt fl res lifts the res result with string errors into the forward progress monad.

Any error is immediately printed to the error logger using the supplied error format efmt and converted to an Exit_transient_failure.

For a res result with string errors, example error formats are: [ let efmt fmt = fmt "FATAL: %s" ] and [ let efmt fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "@[Bad failure!@]@,@[%a@]@." Fmt.lines ]

The error is identified by pos which is typically set to __POS__. See pos_to_id and __POS__.

val pos_to_id : (string * int * int * int) -> string

pos_to_id (file,lnum,cnum,enum) converts a compiled location (file,lnum,cnum,enum) into an 8 digit lowercase hex identifier.

Only the basename of the source code file and the line number lnum participate in the identification.

val iter : fl:fatal_logger -> ('a -> unit t) -> 'a list -> unit t

iter ~fl f lst iterates over the items of the list lst with the function f. If any lst item gives back anything but Continue_progress then the iteration will stop.