Module Markup

Here, we test the rendering of comment markup.


Let's get these done first, because sections will be used to break up the rest of this test.

Besides the section heading above, there are also

Subsection headings


Sub-subsection headings

but odoc has banned deeper headings. There are also title headings, but they are only allowed in mld files.


Sections can have attached Anchors, and it is possible to link to them. Links to section headers should not be set in source code style.


Individual paragraphs can have a heading.


Parts of a longer paragraph that can be considered alone can also have headings.


This paragraph has some styled elements: bold and italic , bold italic, emphasis, emphasis within emphasis, bold italic, superscript, subscript . The line spacing should be enough for superscripts and subscripts not to look odd.

Note: In italics emphasis is rendered as normal text while emphasis in emphasis is rendered in italics. It also work the same in links in italics with emphasis in emphasis.

code is a different kind of markup that doesn't allow nested markup.

It's possible for two markup elements to appear next to each other and have a space, and appear nextto each other with no space. It doesn't matter how much space it was in the source: in this sentence, it was two space characters. And in this one, there is a newline.

This is also true between non-code markup and code.

Code can appear inside other markup. Its display shouldn't be affected.

Preformatted text

This is a code block:

     let foo = ()
     (** There are some nested comments in here, but an unpaired comment
         terminator would terminate the whole doc surrounding comment. It's
         best to keep code blocks no wider than 72 characters. *)
     let bar =
       ignore foo

There are also verbatim blocks:

The main difference is these don't get syntax highlighting.


  • This is a

  • shorthand bulleted list,

  • and the paragraphs in each list item support styling.

  1. This is a

  2. shorthand numbered list.

  • Shorthand list items can span multiple lines, however trying to put two paragraphs into a shorthand list item using a double line break

just creates a paragraph outside the list.

  • Similarly, inserting a blank line between two list items

  • creates two separate lists.

  • To get around this limitation, one

    can use explicitly-delimited lists.

  • This one is bulleted,

  1. but there is also the numbered variant.

    • lists

    • can be nested

    • and can include references

    • foo


The parser supports any ASCII-compatible encoding, in particuλar UTF-8.


Raw HTML can be as inline elements into sentences.

If the raw HTML is the only thing in a paragraph, it is treated as a block element, and won't be wrapped in paragraph tags by the HTML generator.


Math elements can be inline: \int_{-\infty}^\infty, or blocks:

         % \f is defined as #1f(#2) using the macro
         \f\relax{x} = \int_{-\infty}^\infty
         \f\hat\xi\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x}



Each comment can end with zero or more tags. Here are some examples:

  • author antron

  • deprecated

    a long time ago

  • parameter foo


  • raises Failure


  • returns


  • see #

    this url

  • see

    this file

  • see Foo

    this document

  • since 0

  • before 1.0

    it was in beta

  • version -1

val foo : unit

Comments in structure items support markup, t oo.

Some modules to support references.

module X`` `` :sig...end``

module Y`` `` :sig...end``