Module Dkml_install_runner.Path_location

type static_files_source =
  1. | Opam_static_switch_prefix of Fpath.t
  2. | Static_files_dir of Fpath.t
type staging_files_source =
  1. | Opam_staging_switch_prefix of Fpath.t
  2. | Staging_files_dir of Fpath.t
type abi_selector =
  1. | Generic
  2. | Abi of Dkml_install_api.Context.Abi_v2.t
val show_abi_selector : abi_selector -> string
val pp_abi_selector : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> abi_selector -> unit
type staging_default =
  1. | No_staging_default
  2. | Staging_default_dir of unit -> Fpath.t
type static_default =
  1. | No_static_default
  2. | Static_default_dir of unit -> Fpath.t
val static_files_source : static_default:static_default -> opam_context_opt:string option -> static_files_opt:string option -> static_files_source Dkml_install_api.Forward_progress.t
val staging_files_source : staging_default:staging_default -> opam_context_opt:string option -> staging_files_opt:string option -> staging_files_source Dkml_install_api.Forward_progress.t
val absdir_static_files : component_name:string -> static_files_source -> Fpath.t

absdir_static_files ~component_name static_files_source is the component_name component's static-files directory

val absdir_staging_files : ?package_selector:Os_utils.package_selector -> component_name:string -> abi_selector:abi_selector -> staging_files_source -> Fpath.t

absdir_staging_files ~component_name ~abi_selector staging_files_source is the component_name component's staging-files/(generic|<arch>) directory